The future of oil drilling in America
28° 15.266'N, 99° 35.953'W,Harrison Piloncillo Ranch
The estimate above came from
But, I'm more interested in what is happening here in Texas, and in particular
with the lands over which we fly. North of Laredo and up to south of the hill
country you'll find the Eagle Ford Shale. One estimate is that within a decade
there will be an additional 30,000 oil/gas wells there between Laredo and San
Antonio. More here: and Because of the location of a
recent landing by one of our hang glider pilots we are particularly interested
in this portion of the country to the north
here. See more maps
here. Oil shade was a joke in Colorado in the seventies (think Dinosaur, Colorado in
the nineties). Now it is no joke in Texas. Mineral rights purchased at
$10,000/acre plus. Oil shade extraction is economic at $90/barrel. We've lived with natural gas
extraction here in Zapata County for the whole time that we've flown from
Zapata. Of course, it is often the roads that go toward wells that have allowed
us a way out after an outlanding. Five times the amount of oil resources in the US than are found in Saudi Arabia?
If true that would certainly make us a little less interested in Middle Eastern
and North African adventures.