The missing USHPA accident database If you go to the last link above you'll find that there isn't much there about
hang gliding accidents. No one is taking whatever hang gliding accident reports
the USHPA gets (and apparently they aren't getting very many) and telling us
what is causing these accidents. Seems like the whole USHPA hang gliding
accident reporting system has gone missing for the last five years. Last Thursday I had an email conversation with Dave Wills, vice-Chairman of the
USHPA Safety and Training Committee. He asked me what I could do to promote the
accident reporting system. I told him that if there was no recognizable output
from the accident reporting system why would anyone use it? I told him if he gave me access to the full accident database (redacted for
names), I would write up stories from material that I found there. I felt that
telling the stories would
promote the accident reporting system. You can see the front end to the accident reporting database at the send and
third links above. I have used these links before to report my accidents, but
you'll also notice that they are well hidden. You will find the accident report
form here: Something that would help the accident reporting system would be to make this
link a bit more prominent. I don't recall ever having seen it referred to in the
USHPA newsletter, for example. Dave didn't think such a database existed but went looking. I couldn't believe
that to be true given the obvious on-line database front end on the USHPA web
site and the many previous discussions that I had heard at USHPA BOD meeting. I
mean this was under the purview of the Safety and Training Committee Chairman
and it was a big deal for him. Of course, it existed. Wait, a minute. Dave came back with news that it didn't exist after all. So Dave
wouldn't be able to give me access to the accident reporting records (as in a
database) because they didn't exist. Again, this is the vice-Chairman of the Safety and Training Committee and he
didn't know whether a accident reporting database existed or not. He had
to check to be sure. And it didn't. And, so I don't have an accident reporting database that I can use to write
articles that would perhaps encourage pilots to use the on-line accident
reporting system to report accidents. In fact, I have this article to tell you
that if you use this accident reporting form to report your accident it
apparently falls into a black hole. Not very encouraging. So much for Dave Wills
efforts to encourage you to use it. If you want to know something about hang gliding accidents go here: Press Ctrl+F. Search for