2012 Flytec Race and Rally and Rob Kells Meet
http://ozreport.com/calendar.php http://flytecraceandrally.wordpress.com/ The doubling up of south Florida and Georgia competing and racing offers two
very high value meets with high quality pilots from Europe, South America and
the US in outstanding flying conditions. Year after year we have had great
competition and more fun than normal people have in a life time. Flying out of the Florida Ridge is not to be missed. And flying north from where
ever Jamie and the weather choose to put us after the Rob Kells meet was the
most fun that many cross country racing pilots ever had in 2011. The could not
get enough of it and wanted ten days in 2012 (but Jamie said seven plus maybe an
eighth extra day for open distance). You'll want to be sure to sign up right as registration opens for these
competitions. See the dates on the calendar.