Hammer Flats near Boise, Idaho
This is a local hang gliding site very near downtown that was
closed down when it was purchased from private owners by the Boise City Council.
It has now been transferred to the state, so perhaps it can be opened again to a
bit of our recreation.
The article
Speaking of recreational opportunities in Boise, Idaho and local support for
them (as seen as brining tourists), here is how the Boise River is being
transformed to provide sport of kayakers:
The article
The city sees it in its interest to invest a significant amount of public and
private money in constructing a recreational facility. I road my bike by this
construction site throughout August through October this year. It looks like it
will be a great addition to Boise. Funny, the local white water sport
store/outfitter/guide service is right next to it.
Hammer Flats provides another very inexpensive (no construction required)
recreational opportunity.
Not good news