Steerable rescue parachute,223
The Krisis Rogallo incorporates an innovative system allowing it
to behave like a hemispherical parachute during the initial phase after opening,
descending vertically in a stable manner with very little forward speed. Thus in
the case of a very low deployment the pilot only has to think about landing
correctly (parachute landing fall), without having to worry about eventual
complications. This safety enhancing feature is only possible due to the large
surface area of the Krisis Rogallo.
In the case of a deployment at higher altitude the pilot can, in a second phase,
take control of the brakes and benefit from the incomparable glide ratio and
sink rate of the parachute which give it an undeniable safety advantage over a
hemispherical parachute.
The Krisis Rogallo weighs just under 2kg including the inner container for a
surface of 42m². We have chosen only the best materials and thanks to a light
fabric that is both strong enough and highly durable, as well as a new type of
suspension line, the weight and volume are very low despite a surface area of