The Flytec Race and Rally
Larry Bunner <<lbunner>> writes:
The changes Jamie made to the Flytec Race and Rally that I believe were very
positive for all pilots. After Flytec Race and Rally and Santa Cruz Flats Race
last year I talked with a number of disgruntled pilots who complained of long
walks fully suited up in miserable heat just to get to the launch box. I
discussed this with Jamie after Santa Cruz Flats Race and recommended that we
consider doing two lines so the pilots were closer. She said she'd discuss with
Steve and try to come up with a solution. She did it several times better.
Three numbered lines put everyone up close. Then having an open window up front,
gave pilots an opportunity to launch early. The best part was that she rotated
the three lines as to which line would have priority on each day. What a novel
idea! I heard from quite a few happy pilots who are typically stuck in the back.
They thought it was much more fair as they had an opportunity to get up before
the top pilots and then got to start with them in a good position. I don't want
any credit for the idea but would really like to see you give some accolades to
Jamie and Steve Kroop. They did an awesome job.
To further explain what Jamie did, she eliminated the launch line or was it the
staging line or at least the conventional difference between them. Pilots stage
on a numbered line. On one of three lines. Then after an open launch
period where any pilot can get into the launch line in or behind the launch box,
the launch is an ordered launch, by your number.
The numbered lines are rotated each day so that everyone gets two chances to
launch when you want. First, in the open launch, and then if you like your
ordered launch number, when your number comes up. This eliminates pilots having to wait in the launch line. They don't have to
line up until they are ready to go and it won't be long before they are hauled
up (about six pilots would actually be in the launch line). Previously pilots
would had to get in the launch line just to have a position as no one really had
a position in the line. But with an ordered launch they have a pre assigned
position. As Larry points out with three lines, Jamie put the pilots next to each other
and close to the launch box, so it was a short walk to the launch. As before your number is your overall position in the meet at the time of the
launch. It is the numbered line (like Vicki has in Forbes) that makes this all