Flytec tip of the week
Steve Kroop at Flytec <<info>>
When flying an optimized competition route, the direction arrow to
the turnpoint will point to the optimized cylinder intercept as opposed to the
WP center (like it does when when flying a standard competition route). This can
present a problem when approaching the cylinder at near tangent since you are
trying to fly to a point in space rather than a region in space. It is
conceivable that, by following the directional arrow to optimum intercept, you
can fly just outside the the turn point cylinder. More than likely you will
realize that you missed it when you do not get the turn point reached alert,
however, valuable seconds/minutes could be lost circling back towards the
It is important to keep in mind that the 6030 calculates the optimum cylinder
intercepts based its attempt to figure out the shortest path between the turn
points. However, since the instrument does not know where the lift is this may
not be the best flight path - the optimum intercept may not be the best
intercept. This is particularly evident when approaching a large turn point
cylinder at near tangent. In this case the optimized route will be just outside
the cylinder for a considerable distance. When actually flying this task,
sources of lift, other pilots, birds and areas of sink to avoid become evident
and it may be advantageous to nick the cylinder well in advance of the optimized
intercept and proceed to the next turn point.

To help the pilot avoid the issues above, the 6030 has an auto zoom feature that
will automatically switch the display to the map page at maximum zoom so that
you can easily see your position relative to the turn point cylinder. You can
then compare that to your real world situation and decide if there is an
advantage to getting the turn point early. The scale for auto zoom is 0.1km as
opposed to the normal max zoom of 0.4km. If Full auto zoom is enabled, the
display will automatically transition to the Map page from the Main page when
flying close to a turn point cylinder. If Map only is selected, the 6030 will
only zoom to maximum if the 6030 is on the Map page, that is, it will not
automatically switch from the Main page to the Map page. The auto zoom mode can
be set in Menu>Settings>Auto Zoom C-Route. The threshold for auto zoom
activation and three unique user-fields to show on the map page when auto zoom
is active can also be set in this menu.