Ron Gleason <<xcflying>>
With all the fires in the western states, dignitaries flying
around, presidential campaigning and other activities occurring this the season
for many TFR's that we must avoid. Critical for competitions, formal and
informal, and recreational flying to examine every morning and during the day.
Here are a few links I have been using - FAA list. Provides links to graphical
version overlay-ed on sectionals. The SUA button, useful for flight computers,
does not work.
- include the KML file in Google Earth. Easy to visualize TFR, see exact
location including ceiling and also has a time line feature to see if the TFR
expires during the day. Requires manual refresh or restarting GE to get latest
data. - From the FAA.
Refreshes every 15 minutes. No time line bar.
Lets be safe out there and give these TFR a wide berth, specifically if it is a
fire fighting operation. While we want to go out and have fun, we are just
playing the fire fighting folks are trying to save land, structures, lives and
their own skin. We can always fly another day!